Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Supercult Illuminatti of Kermit the frog.

It fuckin' ain't easy bein' green... but it sure beats bein' the Shit King of Oakland.
Where to start? Another beautiful Sunday, another nine a.m. meeting with a great story followed by forty minutes of self centred attention craving narcissistic whining..I just sit there and drink bad coffee and bite my tongue untill I can taste the blood. Then its off to the spot, where a soy latte and a bowl of granola and fruit bring bliss. A fast 8 mile bike ride, then to what Sam calls "church" I call it the swap meet. I bought six pair of bright orange short socks for six bucks and a four dolla' hat that sez: dirty ghetto kids.... Does life get any better? I think not. Everyytime I start trippin' on the thought that " I am not where I should be in life." I wake up and realize how fuckin' happy I am where I am. Good and Plenty.
Supercult. When I start my day the Supercult way, I tend to be more grounded and focused on what I want to accomplish. Today, I throw that out the fuckin' window with the dirty wash. Today, I just want to look at 1960 VW's for sale on ebay, and eat fresh garden grown tomatoes and mozzerilla cheese. Today I want to put away my clean clothes and mop under my bed, I won't. repport time 5:30 a.m tomorrow. another little piece of my soul scrapped off my knees for suckin' up to the coroporate man. This fourth step shit has got me eatin shit. Thanks Supercult.
The Illuminatti of Kermit the frog.

"I wear my crown of Shit Upon My liars chair. Full of broken thoughts, I can not repair."

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Then I walked across the street
And caught the Sunday smell of someone frying chicken.
And Lord, it took me back to something that I'd lost.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am the Shit King of the murder city......
Life has been weird of late. not bad not good. Just a day to day trip of fucking weirdness.
Like Snoop sez: Yea, Tanqueray and chronic... I'm fucked up.....I've been working on a list of resentments I have, and as much as it is supposed to be good for me, It makes me want to punch someone in the face. Im not planning on it. Nor am I looking for it... It is just a feeling of Angst...GGGRRRR....Fuck it. I'm down. I'm sick of society. Sick of the rules. sick of the game.
Sick of it all.... Oh OH sounds like the words of a man pushed to the edge, about to snap. I wish. But in all actuallity, I do something everyday that grounds me to.......... life. I ride my bike. I walk the dog. I go to the gym. I have no set routinue, yet I try to do something good everyday.. I am living, yet everyday I am dying.....I gotta get up early tomorrow and die a little more...Lord, please let me walk one more mile.....

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Can not believe the extent that other people want to bring drama into my life... I am too blessed to be stressed... now we say good bye.