Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Decline....NOFX...
My laptop started taking a shit last week.
Next week, the shit goes down, in a good way.
Join I walk in a world strewn with the dead and dying bodies of the ones who followed blindly. HA HA HA HA .
Michael Jackson liked little boys. Fuckin' perv.
Saturday, September 12, 2009

I love skulls. What punk rock kid from the eighties didn't? Fuckin' rebel yell!!!....Skulls say it all. You want to be Billy Bad ass on your bike? Skull helmet. Damn right. It don't matter that your tooling around on some beat ass, pink, girls Huffy ten speed that's missing spokes and has no front dérailleur. You got a skull helmet and a leather jacket. Fucking street cred. Skulls are meant to say POISON and STAY AWAY....oohhh scary. That just entices people like me. Skulls are what tough guys get tattooed on them when they go to prison and become a tougher guys little bitch. Thats tough. Then when they get out of the joint, they have this fucked up prison ink, saying “ Don't mess with me,I have a skull tattoo, and I took it up the poop hole.” A guy over forty wearing a skull shirt with a goatee screams out “ I was a D & D nerd in high school, but I drink whiskey now, Back off.” You go dude. Fuck the man, your a rebel.
I like the phrase “Give me Skull.” or “I'm gonna' Skull fuck you, bitch.” so romantic. You know, in a crude Neanderthal way. I mean if my female friend and I are sitting on the couch, enjoying a nice quiet night of Netflix and hot cocoa. What better way to ask for some sweet oral fellatio then, “Oh babe, It's time for your Skullfucking.” Works every time. Ok, it worked once.
Pirates liked skulls. I don't like Pirates. I am a ninja type of guy. Ninjas are clean and kill with precision and style. Pirates are unkempt drunken, disease ridden, scum. I guess this is why skulls got a bad image. The fucking pirates. Cool flags though. Once again that forty plus dude, with the goatee, you know he has a pirate flag on his mini-van's antenna, tailgating at the Raider game. Fucking non conformist rebel. 100% fucking rebel.
Skulls in music... Of course the first song that comes to mind is The Misfits classic “I want your Skull.” I'm sure that there are many other songs written about skulls but this is the only one that really matters. Motorhead, they really matter. Skull logo. Guns and fuckin' Roses. (you always have to say Guns and FUCKIN' roses. That makes you a rebel.) Skull logo. Dave Matthews band. No skull songs, no skull logo, thusly the Dave Matthews band will always suck the ass wind from a bloated dead cow.
Cow skulls. The epitome of cowboy bad assness. Yep. I'm a cowboy. Got a cowskull sticker on my 4x4. Rebel. I'm sure REAL cowboys don't like cowskulls. A cow is a cowboys buddy. Not like a Brokeback type of buddy, more like a child. A true cowboy is sad to see a cows skull.
Clown skulls. Back to prison tattoo's.
As I was writing this a young man bought some red vines from me. He was sporting a grinning clown skull tattoo with a smoking gun, along with some other high Quality county hotel work. Real tough guy. Red vines. Ha Ha.
What is a Skull? It is the only thing that separates us from the apes. Our skull got bigger to accommodate a bigger a brain and we became smarterer. This is of course up for debate, but thats what science tells us. Science and Honor! That was for my neighbors, the Phenomenats. Good guys. Not sure if they like skulls. They are from the future.
What is the future of the Skull? It seems kind of played out nowadays.Then again it will always be in style. Will we have cyberskulls in the future? Will the youth of tomorrow be into skull piercings?
Skull implants? I am going outta' my skull....
next week: Fat people.

Sunday, September 6, 2009
My Ghetto America.

Here's where I start to sound old.
A twenty nothing, kid with a weak mustache just called me sir. I returned the favor by calling him Sparky and Junior. Sheeesh. Sir?
A lot of has changed in the last twelve years.
I used twelve years because its a good even number, just over a decade, but not forever. I moved to Oakland from the city of Oz, twelve years ago. If you know where the city of Oz is, then you might know of the great Herb Caen. The illogically logical musings of Herb Caen, along with Hunter S, Burroughs, and Henry Miller, are the reason I write. Having been force fed by English teacher parents, a steady diet of reading, and writing a book report, every week during summer vacation, will lead a kid on one of two paths.
I chose the spiritual one.
The columns of Herb Caen, and me having have had the great privilege of growing up reading Herb, has lead me on the romantically, doomed path of the writer. In short I fucking BLOG, dude. It is a catharsis for anger and joy. An outlet for frustration and celebration. Writing is good stuff. Try it. Write your parents. Tell them you love them, or tell them your really pissed off about that thing that happened in third grade. Whatever you do take the time and think your words out. Verse your words of prose with eloquence and charm. Blow their socks off. In their dying days they will remember your letter and at least “think” they raised a good kid.
Obama Tacos.
What the fuck is an Obama Taco?? On the shuttle to the train this morning we passed by a taco stand with a big banner advertising, Obama Tacos. What the Fuck is an Obama Taco? I know what a Bush taco is. I have ate many Bush tacos, and the Bush was always happy I ate the taco. But a fucking Obama Taco??? Does it have pineapple in it? Does it like basketball? This Got me pondering. Never has a political figure become such a marketable consumer product, as Barrack Obama. I wasn't alive for J.F.K. So maybe he was. I remember Billy Beer, but that was Jimmy's brother. Perhaps some lesser known President of yesteryear was also a huge marketing gimmick of their time. Get your Millard Fillmore toothbrush. I don't know. To me its just plan weird, that people want to go around wearing a shirt with the fucking smiling grin of the commander in Chief. I guess I still have that punk rock bad taste for government in my head. I just haven't figured it out, and until I do, I blame the ghetto.
Having pretty much lived in the ghetto for almost twenty years,
( twelve in West Oakland, seven in the Lower Haight, before it was hip.) I can tell you that the denizens of the ghetto, are far and above the BEST consumers EVER. The Ghetto people will buy anything. If you make a liquor and get a rapper to put it in his song, your booze will be a gold mine. If you want your fashion to sell, don't go to Paris or Milan, give that shit away in Compton and the Bronx. Trust me people are watching the ghetto these days. The ghetto is responsible for some pretty amazing things of late. Giant chrome rims that cost four times the piece of crap 1992 Pontiac or Lexus they are on. Ghetto fabulous. Plain white t shirts. Ghetto frivolous.
The sagging pants thing. DID NOT start in the ghetto. It started in San Quentin, and it meant you were another mans personal property.
Why the ghetto kids took that one from prison to street fashion, will remain one of the great mysteries of a generation. Perhaps all those tough looking thugs on the corner are all really gay for each other. Wow.
The ghetto is where all the welfare money is spent on things that are wanted, but not needed. It is where one month you are the coolest kid for having those fresh BAPE shoes, and the next laughed at for having those weak as 08' BAPE's Get with 09' kid and rock some Keds. One week its Nike the next Adidas. (I will always be a three stripes man.) whatever The currant ghetto trend is, it is being bought and not just by the ghetto hip, oh HELL no. Grandma ma has gots to get it too. And if it can be worn by a fourteen ear old. Better make that baby sized as well. Lots of babies in the ghetto. This year they are all wearing Obama onesies.
I will be screening some I HATE MAYONAISE t-shirts very soon. They will be available at every corner licka' sto' in the hood. This time next year, I be a ghetto millionaire. Or at the least a thousandaire. Until next week, Write your parents.
P.S. I think I really fuckin' hate white people.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wake me up.....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Supercult Illuminatti of Kermit the frog.
Supercult. When I start my day the Supercult way, I tend to be more grounded and focused on what I want to accomplish. Today, I throw that out the fuckin' window with the dirty wash. Today, I just want to look at 1960 VW's for sale on ebay, and eat fresh garden grown tomatoes and mozzerilla cheese. Today I want to put away my clean clothes and mop under my bed, I won't. repport time 5:30 a.m tomorrow. another little piece of my soul scrapped off my knees for suckin' up to the coroporate man. This fourth step shit has got me eatin shit. Thanks Supercult.
The Illuminatti of Kermit the frog.
"I wear my crown of Shit Upon My liars chair. Full of broken thoughts, I can not repair."
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Like Snoop sez: Yea, Tanqueray and chronic... I'm fucked up.....I've been working on a list of resentments I have, and as much as it is supposed to be good for me, It makes me want to punch someone in the face. Im not planning on it. Nor am I looking for it... It is just a feeling of Angst...GGGRRRR....Fuck it. I'm down. I'm sick of society. Sick of the rules. sick of the game.
Sick of it all.... Oh OH sounds like the words of a man pushed to the edge, about to snap. I wish. But in all actuallity, I do something everyday that grounds me to.......... life. I ride my bike. I walk the dog. I go to the gym. I have no set routinue, yet I try to do something good everyday.. I am living, yet everyday I am dying.....I gotta get up early tomorrow and die a little more...Lord, please let me walk one more mile.....
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tomorrow will be my Six hundred and sixty sixth day without any drugs or alcohol.
This is the longest I have ever gone since the early 80's and I have come to the conclusion that reality is a trip enough. I realize that I have not only been masking off my own stupidity (or adding to it) but I have been hiding the fact that the worlds citizens are for the most part, pretty fuckin' stupid people. Not all, just most. I have been hiding this fact from myself for the past twenty five years with a combination of high powered chemicals, finest grade natural grown herbal medicine, and copious amounts of man made moonshine.
It was just that, the Whisky (spelled with no e on purpose. study your spirits, You'll know why.) that was my downfall. I found it that the most disturbing. This is most likely the most socially acceptable thing for a grown man to do. Drink Whisky. MEN NEED WHISKY!!! Was often my battle cry upon entering a tavern or saloon. Yet, this Cunning, Baffeling and Powerfull elixer of problem making, did just that. Caused a lot of problems. Not the drugs, the guns,the money, the lavish lifestyle, the blackouts. It was the Whisky. I could lie and say that I was handeling everything ok..but it was not true...
Back to the main point.
People being stupid.
No enough of that, Im sure you all agree, people are stupid.
If you don't agree well, thats because you are stupid.
Now the real main point.
Life without drugs and alcohol.
This is an amazing world we live in, mysterious, exciting, full of life everywhere you look.
It is not a world to hide from with your ass on a barstool for hours a day. It is your world to explore and experience. There are trees everywhere and roads to ride your bicycle on. Dogs that want to be pet, and roses to be smelled. Mueseums with art and languages to be learned. If you think that the world is best experienced through altering your reality, thats your choice. I am here to tell you that after twenty five years of "experiencing" the world like that, it really isnt needed. To see life as it really is, stone cold sober, is fucking amazing.
There is nothing to escape from, no problems, or celebration big enough to drink or use because. Oh... what??? its a Tuesday and you broke your shoelace, ok, I can see the logic in getting wasted for that. But, thats about it.
So tomorrow is Tuesday, May 19th, 2009, the six hundred and sixty sixth day I have gone without drugs and alcohol. If you should break your shoe lace, go out and get fucked up, but if you don't....try not using or drinking for a day, then go for six hundred and sixty five more, then tell me your thoughts on life. Enjoy the ride. Namaste~
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Oaklands fallen Heros.
Time is going on.
Things seem to return to normal.
To some of us they never will.
The ultimate sacrifice
Four brave men.
You will never be forgotten.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Have a Crappy New Year.
Didja' you even think you were gonna' ever make it here? I always new that Madonna would still be around.
Just take your pills and you'll be fine.
Be one of the mindless masses of consumerism.
What I used to think being unique was, is the exact opposite of what i thought it was. I used to believe that Taking the most drugs, consuming the most alcohol and having the biggest gun (with the most bullets) was the only way to get to heaven. Now I am starting to see.
No drugs and No alcohol, just ninja powers and a small rusty steak knife (or Icepick)...
Two Thousand and Eight was not the best year.
I lost friends and family. I experienced, Grief and Sadness.
I, however I maintained constant sobriety, did not go to Jail or the Hospital.
I DID NOT VOMIT not once, Now that is fucking Amazing.
I moved, deeper in the hood of Oakland.
Gunshots pop and bodies drop. The gutters fill with the blood of the stupid, those young men that believe it is more important "holding down" a patch of dirt, then watching the sun rise. Those whose life involves waking up sick and ingesting more poison to "feel normal" Really fuckin' weird when you think about it. LISTEN TO THE WU.
I drank a lot of coffee in 2008. I have a 03:30 report time tomorrow so I shall summarize:
I hope you all have a Crappy New year. yep that's right CRAPPY new year.
Listen to some smooth Jazz, shop at Target, pay too much for gas, contract an STD, break a finger, get pulled over, whatever it takes to not set your sights too high. Me I'm an optimist, I think two double ought Nine is gonna' be good. I will listen to more obscure German industrial, drink more espresso, and write more poetry. Ahhhhh the life of a 21st century Bohemian. Hope your fixed gear gets a flat. Peace out Dog.