OK not really hell but close enough. Fucking Wilmington, Delaware. HUH? where? I know right? fucking Wilmington, Dela-where? I'm 3000 miles away from the city I love, the town of Oakland, and it has not been fun. I am here to become a conductor for Amtrak. Choo Choo school. So that makes it all worth while, other than that I can unequivocally say without a doubt that the Bay area of California is the greatest place to live in the world. I miss your dirty streets of potholes filled with blood and broken glass. I miss the ghetto, wait, I miss your dirty streets. I miss the taco truck. I miss stinky ass lake Merrit. I really fucking miss my dog. It will all be over soon and all will be right in the world. Life will be good. I can get home and plant some corn, meditate and ride my bike along the bay once more. arrrgh.... ok need to blog more study less. now back to some mindless TV. I dont even own a TV in Oakland. I am going to get a decades worth of garbage here. then never watch TV again... but right now a really bad movie is on.