Monday, May 18, 2009


Tomorrow will be my Six hundred and sixty sixth day without any drugs or alcohol.
This is the longest I have ever gone since the early 80's and I have come to the conclusion that reality is a trip enough. I realize that I have not only been masking off my own stupidity (or adding to it) but I have been hiding the fact that the worlds citizens are for the most part, pretty fuckin' stupid people. Not all, just most. I have been hiding this fact from myself for the past twenty five years with a combination of high powered chemicals, finest grade natural grown herbal medicine, and copious amounts of man made moonshine.
It was just that, the Whisky (spelled with no e on purpose. study your spirits, You'll know why.) that was my downfall. I found it that the most disturbing. This is most likely the most socially acceptable thing for a grown man to do. Drink Whisky. MEN NEED WHISKY!!! Was often my battle cry upon entering a tavern or saloon. Yet, this Cunning, Baffeling and Powerfull elixer of problem making, did just that. Caused a lot of problems. Not the drugs, the guns,the money, the lavish lifestyle, the blackouts. It was the Whisky. I could lie and say that I was handeling everything ok..but it was not true...
Back to the main point.
People being stupid.
No enough of that, Im sure you all agree, people are stupid.
If you don't agree well, thats because you are stupid.
Now the real main point.
Life without drugs and alcohol.
This is an amazing world we live in, mysterious, exciting, full of life everywhere you look.
It is not a world to hide from with your ass on a barstool for hours a day. It is your world to explore and experience. There are trees everywhere and roads to ride your bicycle on. Dogs that want to be pet, and roses to be smelled. Mueseums with art and languages to be learned. If you think that the world is best experienced through altering your reality, thats your choice. I am here to tell you that after twenty five years of "experiencing" the world like that, it really isnt needed. To see life as it really is, stone cold sober, is fucking amazing.
There is nothing to escape from, no problems, or celebration big enough to drink or use because. Oh... what??? its a Tuesday and you broke your shoelace, ok, I can see the logic in getting wasted for that. But, thats about it.
So tomorrow is Tuesday, May 19th, 2009, the six hundred and sixty sixth day I have gone without drugs and alcohol. If you should break your shoe lace, go out and get fucked up, but if you don't....try not using or drinking for a day, then go for six hundred and sixty five more, then tell me your thoughts on life. Enjoy the ride. Namaste~